How To Improve Your Sex Life Post-Children

New research has found many couples break up during the 12 months after welcoming their child. Among the most common reasons for separating were dwindling sex lives, a lack of communication, and constant arguments. Let's find out ways to mend the same

Harleen Kaur
New Update
couple intimacy

image credits @Sheknows

If you're feeling less than lusty after having a baby, you're not alone. “It's completely normal for both women and men's libido to hit a rock-bottom low during the first six to nine months following the birth of your baby,” says L.A. ob-gyn Sheryl Ross, MD

Parenthood can really change a relationship. After all, you're stressed, you're sleep deprived, and you simply can't put your relationship first anymore — at least not while you've got a helpless newborn to care for. It's a lot harder to go out together and enjoy the things you used to do. You might feel your partner no longer has an interest in you but Relax…!! it's just a small phase, won't go on for longer. Stay strong and positive, and cooperative together.

You will be amazed to read the results of New research, that has found a fifth of couples break up during the 12 months after welcoming their child. Among the most common reasons for separating were, dwindling sex lives, a lack of communication, and constant arguments.

Here are some tips on how to improve and revive your intimacy with your partner after having kids

  • Communicate with your partner
    One of the most important things you can do to improve your sex life after having kids is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Talk about your feelings, your desires, and any concerns you may have. Make time to have intimate conversations that don't revolve around your children or daily chores. 

MOMS TIP - Start having “WE TIME” along with your personal “ME TIME”.

  • Schedule sex
    I know it seems so unromantic by the name,  but scheduling sex can actually be very helpful for couples who are struggling to find time for intimacy. Make it a priority and put it on your calendar. This will ensure that you both have time to relax and connect with each other without any distractions.

MOMS TIP - You don't need to have night sex, instead try morning sex according to your and your child's wakeup routine.

  • Try new things
    After having children, your body and your sexual desires may have changed. This is normal and it's important to explore new ways of being intimate with your partner. Try new positions, experiment with different types of foreplay, and be open to trying new things.

MOMS TIP - Be creative, including having a quickie if you have to.

  • Take Two-Hour 'Vacations'

find out a way to take a two-hour break or vacation for yourself and your partner. You can either go for coffee, a movie, a date night, or whatever pleases you. Don't feel shy about asking for help from your relatives, nurse, mother, or friends. Just plan it once a month and enjoy it like a bachelor again.

MOM TIP-  Book a surprise date night for your partner. You don't have to go to a fancy restaurant for it. Try doing some candlelight dinners at your terrace, in your garden.

  • Just Touch Each Other

To get back on track, start talking -- and touching -- right away to raise your oxytocin levels. Oxytocin levels need to get high after such a tiring day. You guys deserve this.

MOMS TIP- Focus on cuddling, instead of penetrative sex all the time. Cuddling, and kissing improves the bond and intimacy among partners.

Raising children can be challenging, but it should not lead to a breakdown in your relationship with your partner. We as a community welcome your opinions on this, You are welcome to share your own personal tips that you are/have been using to rekindle the flame post children.


pregnancy mothersopedia sexlife intimacy post-partum post-children