A guide to new phase of your life : Menopause

Menopause is a frustrating and new phase of life just like puberty. But trust me these symptoms will decline over the course of time and with a healthy lifestyle. Let's find out possible treatments to relieve the side effects.

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Hi, my gorgeous woman out there..!! If you have landed our article that means you are at the end of the menstruation phase, It is as challenging as a phase when puberty hits. Although our brain knew from high school that it will happen, we tend to forget to brace ourselves for this change.

So here we welcome you with a guide on what is menopause, its symptoms, stages, side effects, and possible treatments to relieve the side effects.

What is menopause, and its stages

Menopause, which is commonly referred to as "the change of life," marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycle. As a woman's hormone levels decrease, her ovaries cease to release eggs, her periods stop, and she reaches menopause. It's a normal part of aging.

You will know that menopause has taken place if you have not had any menstrual bleeding for 12 months. Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, the average being around 51. Menopause before the age of 40 is called ‘premature menopause’ and before the age of 45 it is called ‘early menopause’.

image credits @Verywell

Menopause symptoms 

  • You experience Hot flushes and Night sweats
  • Mood swings due to hormonal imbalance
  • Vaginal dryness hence Reduced sex drive
  • Forgetfulness; You have started forgetting things
  • You have trouble sleeping
  • You have Stiff Joints, pains, and aches
  • Thinning of the bones(osteoporosis)
Image credits @healthcentral

How to manage menopause symptoms

Lifestyle changes

The following lifestyle changes would help to manage symptoms of hormonal imbalances

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity boosts mood by stimulating the brain chemical norepinephrine, and increasing endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals.
  • Bone-strengthening exercises:  Walking, Cycling, and Swimming are on of the best exercise that may help reduce the rate of bone loss following menopause
  • Mind and body practices: Certain practices may help to ease stress and promote relaxation. These include:


  • Consuming a healthful diet:  minimally-processed foods may help ease symptoms of depression. Start having whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and multivitamins especially Folate, omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin B12.
  • Avoiding alcohol and Smoking: While these substances may boost mood in the short term, they increase anxiety and depression in the long term.
  • Practicing good sleep hygiene: Following a regular sleep pattern may help to treat sleep disturbances associated with hormonal imbalances. Start meditating before you sleep. Spend some time being grateful to the universe and sleep well happily.
  • Managing existing health conditions: People should try to manage health conditions that can increase the severity of menopausal symptoms. such as:-
    • high blood pressure
    • high cholesterol and triglyceride levels
    • increased glucose levels

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a therapy that doctors may prescribe to treat hormonal imbalances or depletion, particularly following menopause. 

There are two main types of natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT):

  • Bioidentical HRTs involve taking bioidentical plant hormones to correct hormone imbalances.
  • Traditional natural HRTs involve consuming plants or supplements that may help to alleviate hormonal symptoms.

You can not Opt for such hormonal replacement therapy if you have one of the following.

  • past breast cancer
  • heart disease
  • clots in the veins

    If you are thinking about taking HRT, it is important to discuss the advantages and disadvantages, benefits and risks with your doctor. Read more 

Menopause means the end of monthly periods. You may experience a range of symptoms. A healthy lifestyle can help to manage menopause symptoms. Continue to have regular breast checks and cervical screening tests and take your multivitamins, especially Folate, omega 3 fatty acids, and Vitamin B12.

Take care of yourself, ladies…!! Menopause is such a frustrating phase of life just like puberty. But trust me these symptoms will decline over the course of time and with a healthy lifestyle.

Love and Support Always..!!

menopause Hormonal replacement therapy Hormonal shift HRT lifestylechange