7 Self-Care Digital Practices to adopt for Well-being

In this digital era, new self-care practices have emerged to address the unique challenges and demands of modern life. Let's find out a new mantra of well-being at this time.

Harleen Kaur
New Update
self care

We all spend so much time with technology these days. We live in a digital age. Our entire lives can be lived through our phones and computers if we wanted them to be. This access to tech can be so beneficial, but sometimes it can feel like it’s harmful. That’s where digital self-care and healthy digital habits come into play. In this digital era, new self-care practices have emerged to address the unique challenges and demands of modern life.

Here are some self-care practices that should be adopted in the digital age:

Digital Detox and Screen-Free Time:

With regular use of technology, taking regular breaks from screens has become vital for self-care. Setting aside specific times or days to disconnect from devices and engage in offline activities promotes mindfulness, reduces screen-related stress, and encourages present-moment awareness.

MOMS TIP - Try to Put your phone on DND(Don't disturb mode) when you are back from your work or when you are spending time with your family. You do not want to get disturbed by unnecessary notifications.

digital detox

Social Media Boundaries:

Practicing self-care in the digital age involves setting healthy boundaries with social media. This can include limiting social media usage, unfollowing accounts that trigger negative emotions, and posting data online that will curate a positive outlook among your social followers or friends.

MOMS TIP - Enjoy your weekend, or holidays with your family or loved ones without your phones. You don't actually need to record or post everything you do.

Mindful Digital Consumption:

Being mindful of how you consume digital content is crucial for self-care. It involves intentionally choosing high-quality and informative content, following inspiring individuals or communities, and being critical of information sources to avoid misinformation or negativity.

MOMS TIP - Please Guys, Stop following people who make you feel jealous, inferior, or weak. instead focus on content that is inspiring, and relevant to you.

Turn off your notifications

Turning off notifications can help with digital self-care in a few ways. First, it can reduce distractions and interruptions. When you receive notifications, it can be tempting to stop what you are doing and respond to them immediately. 

MOMS TIP - Turning off notifications can help reduce feelings of anxiety and FOMO (fear of missing out).


Sleep Hygiene Practices:

Recognizing the importance of quality sleep, sleep hygiene practices have become more prominent. This includes creating a sleep-friendly environment, establishing consistent sleep routines, and prioritizing restful sleep as an essential aspect of self-care

MOMS TIP - Don't take your phone in your bedroom and don't use it for at least 2 hours until you sleep.

Digital self-care isn’t about removing all technology from your life. It’s about living with technology and doing it mindfully. Use the following ideas to help you create a positive relationship with digital technology so you can enjoy the benefits.

Online Therapy and Mental Health Apps:

The best advantage of the Digital era, you can learn, and interact with anyone digitally moreover Digital platforms have made mental health support more accessible. Online therapy services and mental health apps provide convenient and flexible options for seeking professional help, engaging in therapy sessions, and accessing resources for self-care and mental well-being.

MOMS TIP - Consult a doctor online through apps and talk about your mental health, you don't need to step out of your home and face a therapist or counselor personally. 

online therapist

Virtual Workouts and Home Fitness:

With busy schedules and limited access to gyms, virtual workouts, and home fitness routines have gained popularity. Online fitness classes, workout apps, and YouTube channels offer a wide range of exercise options that can be tailored to individual preferences and schedules.

MOMS TIP - Start one today only, use digital platforms the most. After all, it was all made for some good reasons, we just have to use it mindfully. 

vitual self care

Virtual Support Communities

Online support communities and forums provide spaces for people to connect, share experiences, and seek support on various topics related to self-care, mental health, personal growth, and well-being. These virtual communities offer a sense of belonging and the opportunity to learn from others.

MOMS TIP - Join an online community to share your experiences, you might get inspired by others or likewise.

online community


self-care activities digital detox mindful use digital platforms digitall age