Mental Wellness Matters: Avoiding Negative Thoughts During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it's important to avoid certain thoughts that can increase stress and anxiety levels. Stay positive and healthy to have a healthy pregnancy and happy child.

Harleen Kaur
New Update
no negative thoughts

8 Harmful Thoughts to Avoid During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it's important to avoid certain thoughts that can increase stress and anxiety levels. Here are some thoughts to avoid:

Negative self-talk

Avoid thoughts that are critical or judgmental of yourself, your abilities, or your body. Negative self-talk can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, which can affect your overall health and the health of your baby.

MOMS TIP - You will cope with everything. You and your baby are doing fine.

Comparing yourself to others

Every pregnancy is different, and comparing yourself to other pregnant women can lead to feelings of inadequacy or anxiety. Remember that your experience is unique and focus on your own journey.

MOMS TIP - Stop comparing, Adapt it as a mantra for happy parenting. It will help you at every stage of parenthood.

Focusing on worst-case scenarios

While this is important to go through several genetic defect-related tests during pregnancy, don't overdo them. You will always fall into the vicious circle of doing one more test to recheck. 

MOMS TIP - Always consider tests prescribed by a gynecologist. Never just takes a test based on the other's past experiences.

Stressing and labor and giving birth

 Whether you will have natural labor pains or induced ones? Will I have a vaginal delivery or c-sectional delivery? STOP thinking in advance, you can't decide anything prehend until the actual time has come. Your healthcare provider knows best for you and your baby.

MOMS TIP - BOTH kinds of deliveries are Normal, vaginal, and c sectional. Stop naming deliveries as normal or unnatural. Giving healthy birth matters the most, not the mode of delivery you are having. 

Worrying about whether you'll be a good enough parent

 You and your partner will become great parents to your child. you don't need to match up any expectations of the So-Called best parents in the world. Hard reality check - No parent is perfect.

MOMS TIP - Start manifesting your desired life with your child instead of doubting yourself as enough good parent.

What about my old life, and my old body? 

Every woman goes through this negative thought, totally unnecessary but unavoidable. How will I look after my delivery?  Will I be able to have good sleep? Will I fit into my old clothes? It is normal to have occasional negative thoughts, dreams, or fleeting doubts. But don't let them harm your and your child's mental peace and well-being.

MOMS TIP - Everything will get back to normal and will become more beautiful than your previous life once you welcome your little bundle of joy into your life.

Worrying about the health of a child in the womb

  Some day you will experience less activity in your womb, sometimes more. Someday you will come up with heartburn problems and another day with swollen legs. These all changes in the body are completely normal and don't harm the baby. Focus on what you can control in the present moment.

MOMS TIP - Trust your instincts and seek advice from healthcare professionals when needed.

Obsessing baby-related decisions

 Managing funds, Making decisions to buy a cot or not for the baby, Deciding whether to preserve a stem cell or not, all these decisions might cause you anxiety and stress. Go with the flow and stop thinkings so many things prehend.

MOMS TIP - Enjoy the present, and pamper yourself. Your limelight will be taken by your child soon.

When you are pregnant, your baby is exposed to everything you experience. This includes the sounds in the environment, the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the emotions you feel. When you feel happy and calm, it allows your baby to develop in a happy, calm environment. However, emotions like stress and anxiety can increase particular hormones in your body, which can affect your baby’s developing body and brain.  Stay came, and positive, and enjoy your pregnancy.


Also read: Tips to Stay Positive during Pregnancy

women health pregnancy positivity negative thoughts mental wellness