Boosting Milk Supply Naturally: The Power of Lactation Granules

Having experienced the benefits of lactation granules firsthand, I share this insight to support fellow mothers on their breastfeeding journey. Brands like  Lactonic Granules and Emcure Galact Granules are clinically approved for their effectiveness. 

Harleen Kaur
New Update
Boosting Milk Supply Naturally: The Power of Lactation Granules

Boosting Milk Supply Naturally: The Power of Lactation Granules

Motherhood is often glamorized with tales of sleepless nights and endless diaper changes, but the discussion about breastfeeding remains in the shadows. One in every ten mothers faces breastfeeding challenges, causing major anxiety and depression among new mothers.

Issues like inverted or sore nipples, insufficient milk supply, and struggles with proper latch are commonplace. Yet, seeking help, especially from lactation consultants, often remains overlooked. The stigma around discussing these problems affects mental health profoundly.

I want to shed light on my own journey, facing the challenge of low milk supply. Consulting a lactation consultant became a game-changer for me. 

Let's tackle the taboo surrounding lactation granules—often feared for potential side effects, leaving some mothers feeling inadequate. The reality is, that these granules can help with milk supply issues.

How to enhance milk supply?

For mothers seeking to boost milk production, maintaining frequent nursing or pumping sessions—every 2 hours during the day and every 3 to 4 hours at night, totalling 8 to 16 times in 24 hours—can stimulate milk production effectively. 

Despite frequent expression, some mothers may find their milk supply doesn’t increase as desired. In such situations, options like domperidone may offer support, yet it’s crucial to seek guidance from lactation consultants, doctors, pharmacists, or nurses before considering any supplement. (source:

Lactation granules offer a natural and Ayurvedic solution to bolster milk supply. Brands like  Lactonic Granules and Emcure Galact Granules boast a natural composition, clinically approved for their effectiveness. 

Their ayurvedic unique formulation incorporates the goodness of Shatavari, Vidarika, Sowa, Gokshur Panchang, Yashtimadhu, and Safed Jeera, which aids in enhancing breast milk production without any reported side effects for both mother and baby.




The Power of Lactation Granules:

  • Natural Ingredients: Lactation granules often harness the benefits of fenugreek, fennel, and blessed thistle—natural elements known for their lactogenic properties.
  • Seamless Incorporation: These granules offer ease in consumption; they can be effortlessly sprinkled over cereals, blended into smoothies, or taken with water, effortlessly merging into your busy routine.
  • Effective Milk Supply Support: Renowned for stimulating prolactin production, the hormone pivotal for milk supply, lactation granules have shown promising results, significantly enhancing milk production for many mothers.
  • Nutritional Enrichment: Acknowledging the extra nutritional needs breastfeeding demands, lactation granules supplement crucial vitamins and minerals, catering to both mother and baby's nutritional requirements.


Points to consider while consuming lactation granules:  

  • Consult a healthcare professional before starting lactation granules.
  • Check the ingredients for any potential allergies or sensitivities.
  • Begin with a small quantity and gradually increase as needed.
  • Monitor for any side effects, especially digestive sensitivity.
  • Consistently follow the recommended dosage for effectiveness.
  • Use lactation granules as a supplement to a balanced diet.
  • Stay adequately hydrated throughout the day.
  • Track changes in milk production and seek advice if needed.

Having experienced the benefits of lactation granules firsthand, I share this insight to support fellow mothers on their breastfeeding journey. However, each mother's journey is unique. Consulting healthcare professionals before incorporating supplements is crucial to ensure compatibility with specific needs and circumstances.


guide for new mothers newborn care lactation mother breastfeeding tips parentingtips parent guide infant and young babies